

The bhuman Project was born through the belief in the possibility that if we see ourselves as human beings first then our differences become a cause for celebration, not a declaration of war.

bhuman is a movement. It is not an argument. It is a stake in the ground. A stand for the belief that before we were divided, we were the same. We drew our first breaths as human beings and we will draw our last as human beings. It's what we do between those breaths that matters.

he movement was founded out of the hope and optimism of three people; Scott Zagarino, Greta Zagarino and Michael Marckx. We decided that something had to change, and like most people we waited for someone to change it, when it occurred to us that if we wanted change, we had to be the change, so we went to work.

It's not easy to go on day after day with just three people doing a ton of work seven days a week creating the possibility, the message and the materials with almost no budget and without the faintest idea if it could work plus our day jobs.

We ran our first test on our Facebook page and the response blew us away. Our first post from our brand new page had 8,900 reactions, 376 comments and 1,600 shares. We knew then that human beings got the message. 

Now we're going public and we're inviting you to become part of the bhuman Project by wearing our message. Each item comes with a hang tag with our credo and web address for you to pass along to another human being. 

We hope you will join us and pass along the message that we can create a better world if we are human beings first. bhuman.

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$5 from the purchase of every T-shirt supports a charity of your choice.

If you have any questions, you can reach us at

1 comment

  • James Cole

    This is year 2020 and all races should have reparations, freedom, justice, and equality now.

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