
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein more than once expressed the idea that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” His own desire to discover the unknown and reach new frontiers led him to decipher the mechanics of the universe and unravel the laws that govern matter and energy. 
The Story Of Nadia Murad
At the age of 19, Murad was a student living in the village of Kocho in Sinjar, northern Iraq when Islamic State fighters rounded up the Yazidi community in the village, killing 600 people – including six of Nadia's brothers and stepbrothers – and taking the younger women and girls into slavery. That year, Murad was one of more than 6,700 Yazidi women and girls taken prisoner by Islamic State in Iraq.
There Are Two Ways to Lead People

Hint: leaders either divide people or unite them

There are two ways to lead people and drive impact.

One way is by dividing people. Create a mutual enemy and lead a crusade to conquer it. Turn it into a life or death situation ; the sense of urge unleashes unconditional support. Conquering, winning at-any-cost, is all that matters.

Another way to lead is by uniting people...

Ten things you can do to support bhuman
(for free)
If you don't want to purchase anything, there are still very important ways you can support our movement. Here is a list of ten actions you can take that will help us to remind people to bhuman and grow the...
You know the old saying; "One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch?" It may be true but I think it depends on who's watching the apples.

One of the great things about living in the internet age is we can communicate instantly. One of the terrible things about living in the internet is that we can communicate instantly.

bhuman is a movement. It is not an argument. It is a stake in the ground. A stand for the belief that before we were divided, we were the same. We drew our first breaths as human beings and we will draw our last as human beings. It's what we do between those breaths that matters.